The Bajaj Group Of Poultry Farm was started by Late Shri C.L. BAJAJ in the year 1968. A person with deep insight and far sighted vision, he is a man much ahead of his time. He started the Badshahpur farm at Gurugram (Haryana) with a vision to produce eggs rich in protein in a country deficient in protein. In 1968, when Late Shri C.L. Bajaj started this company, he had a very clear vision of how to produce Cheap, Economical and Balanced protein rich diet in the form of eggs.
We deal in Premium Quality Branded Eggs. All the eggs are produced at our own different poultry units and to ensure quality are marked with our own brand.
It is a trusted brand in the industry from the last 45 years.
Actually work with live animals such as poultry always have been tough. the most enjoyable part of the this job is teamworking.
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